Sunday, January 29, 2012

#2. Relational Leadership Model

Hello again! In response to the prompt: review the five elements of this Relational Leadership Model, think about which are most comfortable for you and why? Which involve knowledge, skills, or attitudes that you have not yet learned or developed?

I find myself most comfortable practicing the elements of purposefulness, inclusiveness, and process. I am a very goal-oriented person, so of course I find it easiest to work towards a purpose within the group. Besides that outlook being one of the qualities that I find is crucial to the success of a group, I’m one of those weird math/science-y people that like things in a very analytical order. Along with this idea comes the overall process. Once a goal is met, I always like to reflect on it to see what can be improved. And along with the alternative form of the word “process,” I tend to prefer following an outline of objectives, rather than begin a project with absolutely no clue where or how it is going to get done. Finally, a goal can be more easily met if everyone feels included. We all know what it feels like to be left out of something, right? Unfortunately, yes. That feeling is something I target when working and trying to relate with others. Everybody wants their ideas to be heard, regardless if they are chosen for the end product.

Oddly, I have difficulties with ethics and empowering. Now just because I list ethics does not mean that I do not have any morals. I do. Promise. I am also just a competitive and rather ruthless person, so I often make sacrifices along the way if I believe that it will get me to the desired result. I don’t know how this I could develop this, although I would like to, because I think it is more easily described as reflection of a personality trait. I also have not yet developed the ability to empower individuals within the group as well as I would like. I find this surprising since I was a cheerleader for six years. That should give me some kind of skill to promote spirit and purpose in other members right? Apparently not. I enjoy working most with other leaders that are able to give me purpose and reason to work towards a goal, so I would really like to be able to do the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! :) I totally agree with wanting an outline of objectives! I'm very "OCD" about things, and beginning a project with no clue as to where the group wants to go with it drives me insane and makes me feel very worried and doubtful. Everyone has something to contribute towards the group, and I agree with including everyone in the journey towards reaching a goal! In a weird way, I actually think I focus way too much on empowering and not enough on being completely honest with the members of my group when things aren't going well. I suppose I have to work on my ethics, and being more straightforward and honest rather than continuously stating "Everything happens for a reason! We can all learn from our mistakes!" even when my group is being bombarded with problems and we're gradually going downhill. :p I liked your blog! It's very clear and is very straight to the point, which I love! :)
